Tag Archives: Export Sending Message Size in Active Directory

Export Sending Message Size Limits for users in Exchange 2003

Some companies love to set Sending Message Size Limits per user to avoid certain users from sending mail larger than the set limit on their Active Directory Account. (Please note that this is not the best practice and when used extensively will become a huge headache for you in the future)

If you need to report on the set sizes for users in your environment then I would recommend you use CSVDE to export the data from Active Directory to a CSV file.

The attribute in Active Directory that you are looking for is “submissionContLength”. You can see the set value in ADUC or using ADSIEDIT.

To change the allowed send limit per user go to: Active Directory Users and computers, find the user you want to set the limits for, right-click and choose properties, click on the Exchange General Tab, click on Delivery Restrictions and then click on Maximum KB under Sending Message Size and set the size limit. (as previously noted this is not recommended but helps when a user’s machine is infected with a virus so you can bring the message size down to zero KB to prevent the account from sending mail)

Now to the good stuff!

You need to report on who the users are that have custom set sending limits and what these limits are set to.

1. Login to your Exchange server and run the command prompt. (Start, Run, type cmd and press enter)
2. Type the following command to export users attributes in a certain OU:  csvde -d “OU=Users and Computers,OU=theOUname,DC=test,DC=domain,DC=example,DC=local” -f c:\export.csv
3. This will export all user attributes to a csv file to c:\
4. Open the export.csv with Excel and delete all the columns except the submissionContlength column and others that you’d like to keep.
5. Now you are able to see which user has limits set and what size they are in KB

Note that it’s easier to add the values for the csvde command when you have Active Directory open and browsed to where the users ar homed. Then just fill in the query from the bottom to the top like: OU=user,OU=branch1,=DC=yourdomain,DC=local

To export attributes from the root use: csvde -f c:\export.csv (this will export the whole environment but beware your text file could be huge!

CSVDE is a very powerful tool and you can customise the query to produce filtered results. Google is your friend 😉